Why are Steppe Lancers making a resurgence?

While its still largely seen as a meme unit, there are an increase of players making Steppe Lancers, especially Mongol ones, the strongest variation in Castle age. My main question is why? This is a unit that even after recent buffs is nowhere near cost effective vs Basically anything. Even 30 Mongol Steppe Lancers against 20 Knights loses, and they have low HP and Peirce Armor, making them weak to archers. I guess their 1 range makes them annoyingly good at sniping vills, but considering how much more versatile and flexible Knights are, I don’t see why people would make Steppe Lancers instead.
Well if you have a lot of them like 20/30 early castle age with +2 armor you can easily clean up to 30 xbows cuz of the way they fight and stack, on top of that they are great at sniping siege and raiding. I have always loved them when I came to DE
with a little micro Mongol steppe lancers easily beat knights in castle age except if fighting with very few numbers. Elite ones also beat paladin, in fact in both castle and imp they are one of the most powerful units in melee in the game. Crossbow are good vs them if you can avoid getting jumped on out of position, or with some knights in front. But still it is a good unit since it last got buffed, which was a while ago now. I think the negative opinion on them has mostly been a reddit thing. For instance there… Read more »
Because of the red bull wololo finals.
In the red bull wololo finals the winner used them to close out the final game and said that TheViper said they should try use steppe lancers more and it worked.