Age of Empires 2 DE + 3 DLCS for $7 Only.. Steam Winter Sale

Yo guys! The steam winter sale has started and I just got the email 5 hours ago.
Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition + Dawn of the Dukes + Dynasties of India + Lords of the West all for the price of $6,99

Grab it from here:
Here are all the discounts for the remaining DLCs in case you are interested:
Chronicles: Battle for Greece is $5,61 instead of $7,49
The Mountain Royals is $3,74 instead of $7,49
Return of Rome is $3,74 instead of $7,49
Victors and Vanquished is $3,64 instead of $7,29
The Steam Winter Sale ends on Thursday, 2 Jan 2025.