Hera Reaches 3000 Elo in AoE2

Hera, a Canadian Age of Empires 2 player, became the first 1v1 player to reach 3000 Elo. Renowned for his sharp concentration, tenacity, and skill, Hera’s success not only emphasizes his supremacy but also the game’s healthy competitive scene, which has lasted for more than twenty years.
After 4 Months of non stop 1v1 Grinding, and all of the ups and downs, we FINALLY did it.
We hit 3000 Elo for the first time ever in age of empires 2 history pic.twitter.com/jpvCzbiNiY
— Hera (@Hera_Aoe) November 24, 2024
The Journey to 3000
It was remarkable for Hera to reach 3000 Elo. In his final run, he secured five straight wins against the #2 rated player, Hearttt. Given the difficulty of moving at the highest level, these wins were vital since they resulted in 9–12 Elo points per game.
Under the “ROAD To 3000 Elo | Starting 2948,”
His last session was live and featured not only his gameplay but also a whole moment involving his mother. His mother showed up as Hera crossed the milestone and spoke movingly. The emotional scene, which can be seen at 2:25:30 in the Twitch replay above, further endeared Hera to fans.
The Meaning of 3000 Elo
Reaching 3000 Elo in Age of Empires 2 is remarkable. The ladder’s Elo system measures player skill through matchmaking, making every win and loss critical.
Some gamers credited Hera’s performance to the recent rise in competitive ladder participation. The presence of other top-tier players, such as Viper and Liereyy, provided Hera with valuable opponents to earn Elo from. While some critics called it “Elo inflation,” others noted that sweeping Hearttt, the second-ranked player, is far from “lucky.”
Persistence, skill
Hera’s determination was praised across the community, especially given his setbacks in previous attempts. Among the difficulties he faced on his climb were narrow losses, annoying drops, and matches in which he scored as little as 0 or 1 Elo for a win. His infamous Dravidians game, which some fans called “unreal,” demonstrated his grit, as he fought tooth and nail to clutch victory despite the odds.
Another standout was his technical mastery. One user noted Hera’s high win rate, often 3–5% better than top-tier competitors and as much as 10–15% better than those in the top 20. A hallmark of his success has been consistency.
The Bigger Picture
Hera’s achievement emphasizes how much Age of Empires 2, a 1999 game, appeals now. Many supporters considered the lifetime of the game, noting that Hera is almost as ancient as the game itself. This success comes at a time when Age of Empires 2 is still enjoying a vibrant competitive scene supported by events, engaged players, and a devoted community.
Community Responsibilities
The Age of Empires 2 community erupted in celebration, with fans from around the world congratulating Hera on his twitch chat and X profile. Comments ranged from awe at his dedication to lighthearted humor about “Elo inflation” and comparisons to economic trends.
Others reflected on Hera’s character and his positive role in the community. Emphasizing his professionalism and integrity, some users even compared his clean image with scandals involving other players.
Looking Forward
As Hera stands at the pinnacle of the ladder, fans are eager to see who will rise to challenge him. Although some complained about the lack of present competition at his level, others see this as evidence of his supremacy. For now, Hera’s feat serves as a milestone not only for him but for the entire Age of Empires 2 community.