villlager stalls after boar atack

if they dont fix this bug, i am quitting, the villager just stands there while boar kills him. fuck you aoe2. i am trying to minmax your game and it fuckign bugs with this shit. this is the most important bug in the game and you still cant gett it. i petition that we FUCK the developers.
That happens only if the villager is not ordered to move. If you click-right to chop a tree while boar is attacking, the villager will stop when it hits him.
If you’re luring a boar and you select your villager to gather something in the direction of your lure, they will only walk until the boar hits them, then they’ll turn around and start attacking the boar. If you want your vil to keep walking after being attacked by boar, task them just to move. Remember when luring to task your vil only to a destination, and not to any resource, until the lure is complete. Hope this helps.