The Art of war Booming scenario is bugged

You need to train 100 villages and research Imperial age. The Imperial Age icon, though, won’t show up at the Town Center if you build two Castle Age buildings, but it will if you build a castle which makes it impossible to win a gold medal.
Is this a bug or am I supposed to win via castle building?
Afaik the Imperial Age icon is unavailable as long as you don’t fulfill the building requirements which is two Castle Age buildings (e.g. University, Siege Workshop, Monastery) or one Castle
Just to rule out some silly mistake, which two castle age buildings have you tried to build?
You also can’t click to imp until you hit the 100 villager Mark. If that was something you were trying to do.
I didn’t make castles at all in that scenario and I did reach gold. The thing is that the icon only appears the moment 100 villagers are officially trained. Unless some patch bugged it recently, didn’t check.