Xbox Users Unable to Join Their Friends’ Games

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  • #23125

    Have you ever encountered the problem of being unable to join your friends’ games?

    Fortunately, your friends can join your games, but you sometimes get kicked out of games.

    Although you have tried reinstalling the game, it did not solve the issue.

    Do you have any suggestions?


    What games are you trying to play?

    Ranked shouldn’t be an issue but in the unranked lobbies you may be hitting limitations because of custom content.

    If you are trying to join a lobby with any custom content you will not be able to play because those are mods that are not in the 3 or 4 available on console.

    Unfortunately, some people see the Xbox logo and just kick them even if it is not custom content.

    It could be assumptions about skill level on a controller so you could try to check that you have a similar ranked rating to the other players in the lobby.


    As of now the whole joining a friend’s lobby to play with them sort of thing seems to be bugged out.

    It’s been this way for a couple weeks or longer.

    They’re patching the infrastructure on the 22nd and hopefully it will be resolved by then.

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