What About Real-Time Dynamic Weather in Multiplayer Games?

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  • #22139

    Imagine if the game had weather that changed dynamically like thunderstorms and snowfall.

    It would be visually stunning and could be designed in a way that is not distracting.

    Additionally, having day and night mechanics would add a strategic element to the game, as seen in the Lithuanian campaign where you fight during the day and raid at night.

    It would be great if this feature was available in multiplayer games, where visibility is reduced at night and players need to build torches and outposts for information.

    What do you think about this idea?


    Competitive ranked players already consider trees and shrubs too be too distracting.

    In extreme cases they prefer everything to be cube, like Age of Minecraft or something.

    I don’t think you’ll get plenty of multiplayer folks liking the idea.

    As for me, I worry about it affecting my pc performance since I don’t have the fanciest potato.

    I always turn off those effects in campaign just to be safe.




    Not in a game that already stutters from a few too many mills on the screen …


    Age of cubes gang rise up

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