Updates on the Custom Campaign/Official Campaign Bug?

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  • #22035

    Hi, do you happen to have any updates on the bug that’s causing attack values to malfunction?

    This is particularly frustrating for me since I spend most of my time playing campaigns and custom campaigns, and it’s been more than three weeks since I’ve been able to enjoy them properly.

    Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated.



    Yeah it is fixed in the pre-update build.

    It was also fixed in the February update, but that one was rolled back due to severe performance issues on Xbox.

    EDIT: it wasn’t actually fixed in the feb update, despite it being in the patch notes.


    On Rajendra 4 if you lose the general, -18 attack


    You can just not use the heroes.

    Makes the campaigns a bit harder and less immersive, but it’s at least better than not being to play them at all.

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