Thinking Patterns for Evaluating Performance

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    As a new player, I am interested to know how others perceive scores in the game.

    While I have a basic understanding of how to increase my score, I am curious if your score affects your gameplay decisions.

    Do higher elo players consider scores when making decisions in the game?

    For me, sometimes seeing someone with a higher score than me can make me feel discouraged and affect my gameplay.

    I tend to play more defensively when I have a lower score.

    I am not sure if this is the right approach, so I would welcome any advice on how to approach scores in the game.


    More defensive approach when lower score can make sense I guess, as it usually reflects an opponent having more army than you have, but there is so much different factors than it makes it hard to make something out of it.

    The only time I “use” it is when I notice the opponent’s score getting lower suddenly, which indicates he/she clicks an age up, useful to help knowing if the enemy is reaching imp or on how much villagers were created before feudal age for example


    it only starts to matter on high level, when the gameplay is consistent enough that you can read from score drops/spikes (scouting in dark age increases score, pushing deer doesnt; clicking up decreases score, cancelling age up negates that etc).

    for us usual people, you can ignore it


    I recently had a game where I was over 3k score behind as Dravidians against Chinese and managed to win with elephant archers (1k elo).

    The enemy attacked with Chu ko nu, halb, treb then started with skirms and just couldn’t kill my EE.

    I was really surprised to win somehow because 3k is a huge score lead.

    I also let the scores get to me more then I should.

    If I’m ahead alot I can become overconfident and more likely to throw the lead while being behind I hide in my base haha.


    Spirit of the law does a video breaking it down.

    My take is that the score is a very coarse metric of how the game is going or who is winning and usually not enough on it’s own to make major decisions.

    Basically it’s mostly useful if you think you’re way ahead or behind and the score might tell u otherwise esp when u can’t/haven’t scouted much of the opponent.

    It’s also useful in team games to keep track of how the flanks are doing in comparison to each other esp in feudal and castle age.

    That said score can be very misleading too for example scouting and water play (among other things) can over inflate it.


    I ignore it.


    I only ever look at it in a booming game to gauge how I’m doing compared to my opponent/team.


    I usually attack the person who has the lowest score on the other team first.


    In order to use score as an indicator for what to do, you need to have a very good understanding of what has caused the score to be as it is.

    Knowing whether your enemy’s score is due to kills, current army or economy is very important.

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