The cost of researching Flemish Militia in Age of Empires II has been updated to 200 food and 150 gold, plus an additional cost of 10 food and 5 gold per villager owned.
However, the cost is calculated when the button is pressed, not when the research is completed, allowing newly produced villagers to essentially be free.
While this may not be a significant issue as it depends on the number of town centres, it is still a minor flaw in the system.
A video example shows the player queuing 50 villagers and starting Flemish Militia research at the moment when they have 0 villagers, resulting in 50 Flemish Militia at no additional cost.
I was about to suggest to just make the research instantaneous since it’s really short anyways, but, thinking of it, I guess the 10 seconds are there specifically to be able to cancel it.
Flemish revolution is drastic, and any missclick would ruin a whole game.
In a competitive game I don’t see anyone having more than 4-5 TCs so it’s basically a free 5 milicia basically maximum 10 if the timing is correct right?
i think the correct way to fix it is:
reduce cost to some fixed price (eg 300 food 200 gold)
change effect to: flemish militia can be recruited at town centers and barracks
not changing of villagers to FM
maybe adjust stats of flemish militia