The Craziest Game of My Life (Low Elo) Recently Finished

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    Before playing this game, I had an elo of 930.

    I played as Britons and my opponent was Persians in a 1 vs 1 Arabia match.

    Everything was going well until my opponent started TC dropping me.

    I wasn’t familiar with this strategy, but figured out to delete my TC and build it somewhere else.

    However, my opponent kept following me and I kept losing my TCs.

    I tried to gather enough stone to build another one, but my opponent contested the same stone.

    I managed to escape and built a 3rd TC, but my opponent followed again.

    We both tried to snipe some vils, but the TC dropping made it hard for me.

    I dropped a market and used it to my advantage to save my game.

    I got annoyed when my opponent refused to pause the game, so I sent some vils to gather more resources and built a 4th TC.

    I managed to click up to castle after losing 3 TCs and running out of wood to repair.

    Once I hit the castle age upgrade, I dropped a castle and won the game.



    Why would you delete your TC tho? 11


    Congrats, but wow, do not delete your TC and build it somewhere else.

    You’re supposed to keep creating vils until it gets destroyed, and *then* build it somewhere else.

    Delete your farms, though, so that they can’t steal them.

    Deleting your own TC allows your opponent to delete their partially built TC and recover most of their resources.

    Hence, when they followed you, it was much cheaper for them to TC drop you a second time.

    Also, repairing your TC is extremely expensive.

    It costs twice as much wood to repair a TC to full health as it does to build one.

    The fact that you won despite making all these mistakes is actually astounding and speaks to your opponent being terrible at this game.


    Wow, congrats on winning.

    Impressive how you managed to keep going and not resign


    I think I have a positive record against Persian douches, but the last time someone tried it against me I just wrote “nah I cannot be bothered” and resigned.

    I don’t care much about elo, and sometimes I’m up to playing messy games, but that time I was definetely not.


    wow, it’s already annoying when the other player is a persian you-know-what-er, but then the poor sportsmanship with not letting you pause the game must have made it that much more satisfying to win.

    somehow not surprising from them though..

    sorry i just don’t respect the gimmick strat too much.




    I have never been tc dropped 🙁 sounds like fun.

    Not letting pause is just BM.


    Don’t delete.

    Cancel feudal and make vils.

    Use m@a at his base to kill leftover vils.


    Persian douche me for free ELO because I am resigning right away.

    I got minimal time to play and I can’t stand that mess


    Seems pretty rude that your opponent wouldn’t let you pause.

    As an avid TC dropper myself, it saddens me when players like this give TC droppers a bad name by being rude to others.


    Don’t delete your tc and don’t repair your tc.

    Rebuild it when it is shot down.

    Also remember more than 10 vills in tc don’t increase the attack


    I need to see this on low elo legends 😂


    Pause is for an irl need that would require it (problem with a child, bell ringing, something…) but it isn’t really supposed to be used as a pause in game to rethink of the game.

    Even if you need it could break your opponent focus and momentum.

    Anyway congrats on this crazy wild game it was really fun to read !



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