Provide Feedback on Custom Stat Layout Used for NAC4 with CaptureAge!

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    CA in general and especially NAC4 stats are absolutely 100% dope af.

    I don’t think it’s necessary in the default display but for some games conversions/desertions was super helpful to have so thank u for adding it (tho the first time I saw C/D it took me like 5 mins to figure out what was going on).

    Tc/Cstl isn’t bad but it’s usually not that hard to determine from just looking at the mini-map tho maybe for casters it’s nice to have the exact numbers just right there.

    Love res collected and res destroyed.

    And I agree with the other comment about bringing back building requirements.

    Lastly, the overall look for NAC4 is far superior to the default look but I would also love to see CA work with team games and FFA so I personally wouldn’t sacrifice that functionality for the look but if u could do both that would be amazing!


    The res collected stat was super useful and valuable.


    First of all thank you guys for the incredible work you’ve done, viewing experience wouldn’t be anywhere near as good without your overlay!


    Completed the survey, but wanted to bring something up.

    Section 2 says “*As a viewer, choose which of the following stats, if any, reveals too much who is ahead and takes away from the excitement*”.

    I did fill in which stats imo reveals more who is ahead, but that doesn’t take away from my excitement at all, quite the opposite, I like it to be clear who’s ahead 🙂


    I was very surprised about how useful the ‘ressources collected’ stat was.

    I really enjoyed knowing who is ahead at a glance, but can’t deny that it might make gauging the state of the game a bit too obvious.

    Would love to hear some thoughts about that one.

    Also I had a tough time to figure out what ressources destroyed meant exactly.

    Was it the ressorces someone destryed himself or the ones that player had destroyed by his opponent?

    Imo calling it ‘ressources lost’ sounds less ambigous and makes more sense.

    The idle TC stat is really cool as long as there is only one TC and useless after.

    Maybe it should be moved out of the core ui into a corner where it can just be disabled after a point.

    I think they sometimes remembered to swap the stats in the bottom around to remove it, but it felt not super reliable.

    Or just make it exclusive with the #ofTCs stat, although that one is pretty useless as well as those can be seen on the minimap anyway.

    Just my 2cts.


    One idea, if possible I think it could be useful if the displayed stats changed when players age up.

    Idle TC and villagers K/D are two of the most important stats in Dark/ Feudal Age, however, once the players get into the Imperial Age they become significantly less important.

    If those two stats were replaced with statistics which aren’t as important in earlier ages like Resources Collected / Destroyed I think the overlay could be less cluttered while providing the most relevant information.

    Another one, relics collected and gold from those relics can’t even be populated until the Castle Age.


    I just filled out a survey response and wanted to say that CaptureAge has been a game changer in how I view streams to help give insight to what’s going on and that I love it!

    One piece of feedback that I had which wasn’t in the survey for NAC4 was that I noticed the building requirements for age ups underneath the current age was gone.

    I found myself occasionally missing it when viewing the stream and thought it was a weird decision to remove it since I didn’t think it was taking up too much screen real estate.

    Will it be back in future versions?

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