I have an idea for a unique building that could potentially act as a civilization bonus for a new faction.
The building, called a “Settlement,” would be available for construction in the Castle Age and would come in either a 2×2 or 3×3 size.
It would be able to train villagers and act as a resource drop-off point, but would not be able to research any techs.
The cost of constructing a Settlement would be around 175 wood and 75 stone, which is slightly more than half the cost of a traditional Town Center.
The Settlement would also have weaker defensive capabilities than a Town Center, with a lower maximum unit garrison limit, reduced HP, range, and attack stats.
The purpose of the Settlement building would be to allow the civilization using it to quickly expand their economy and territory at the cost of defensive capabilities.
It’s similar to the Bulgarians’ Krepost unique building.
Reusing the existing Town Center sprites for the 2×2 Settlement building is possible, with only the back portion of the building being used.
The 3×3 Settlement would be an additional bonus as it would allow farms to be placed around the building perfectly, similar to the Folwark unique building.