Preview of Public Update for April

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  • #23320

    I can’t say I’m enthusiastic about how they changed Andean Sling.

    From an “almost useless tech” into “an almost useless + UU only” tech ?

    Just when they realize that UU only tech are a bit sad ?

    Overall Incas got nice changes though (Kamayuks are noticeably stronger than ever).

    Elite Elephant Archer cost reduction is EXACTLY what I think they needed though !


    HOLY CHRIST isn’t this way too much changing of the game?



    My Woads will be so happy


    New Dravidian seems to be too strong.

    They are already top civ on hybrid map and 33% seige unit wood discount on top of 200 instant wood on each age is A LOT.

    They are also one of the civ benefited from new Tech Gambesons.

    They are always picked on hybrid map and probably to be unbeatable.

    At least they have to drop fishing bonus.


    Expected much more tbh


    Chinese -1 vil, +50 food.

    seems the obvious approach to make them easier for beginners and worse for pros.

    Goth get 20% longer lasting hunt.

    should be great.

    Shrivamshas +10 gold

    Malian villagers “drop off 15% more gold”, that’s quite crazy.

    Organ Guns apparently redesigned to actually be good against groups of units.

    Attack is 7 (elite 9) instead of 16.

    I guess they shoot more bullets now or rather all bullets do the same damage, idk.


    Two new techs for vikings.

    Including +1 attack for longboats! .Still checking out the tech trees, i’ll try to post all of them here later.

    EDIT: List of civ balance below.

    If i missed any give me a reply and i’ll add it in.


    New Global Tech: Gambesons (+1 militia line pierce armor.

    Goths and Malians notably dont get it).

    Supplies is a requirement for it.

    Civs that have it: Aztecs, Bengalis, Bulgarians, Burmese, Byzantines, Celts, Dravidians, Franks, Japanese, Koreans, Malay, Persians, Portuguese, Saracens, Sicilians, Slavs, Spanish, Teutons, Vikings

    Incas now miss suplies.

    Longswords, Two Handed Swords and Champions techs now are researched 5, 15 and 15 seconds faster respectively.

    Supplies takes 15 less seconds to research.

    Sappers tech: vils get +3 vs rams now in addition to current effect, gold cost swapped to wood

    Pikeman upgrade: now costs just 160f 90g, researched 15secs faster

    Elite Elephant Archer upgrade now costs 800w 500g

    Elite Sargeant now costs 800f 675g

    Elite Arambai now costs 1000f 750g

    Heavy Scorpion upgrade now costs 800f 900w

    Hoardings now affects Donjons

    Bengalis Imperial UT ”Mahayana”: Now also affects monks.

    Bohemians Imperial UT ”Hussite Reforms”: Changed cost to 500f 450g

    Burgundians Imperial UT ”Flemish Revolution”: Cost change: Its 200f 150g + 10f 5g per villager now.

    Unlocks Flemish Militia at *Barracks*.

    Byzantine Castle UT ”Greek Fire”: Changed so it adds +5 splash damage to BBTs on top of the fire ship buff.

    Celts Castle UT ”Strongholds”: Changed so Castles heal infantry within a 7 tile radius.

    Ethiopians Castle UT ”Royal Heits”: Changed so now it makes Shotels and Camels take -3 damage from Cav.

    Gurjaras Castle UT ”Kashatryas”: Food cost more than doubled, plus 50 gold cost.

    New total 500f 450g

    Huns Imperial UT ”Atheism”: Changed cost 500f 300w

    Incas Castle UT ”Andean Sling”: Changed to give +1 attack to slingers on top of existing effect

    Japanese Imperial UT ”Kataparuto”: Changed cost to 550w 300g

    Sicilians Castle UT ”First Crusade”: Now gives Five sarges for each TC (max 5 tcs).

    Changed cost to 400f 300g

    Slavs Imperial UT ”Druzhina”: Now costs 900f 500g

    Spanish Castle UT ”Inquisiton”: Gives donkeys +1 range in addition to other effects

    Turks Imperial UT ”Artillery”: Now costs 150 more gold (650 total)

    Vietnamese Imperial UT ”Paper Money”: Now costs 550f 200w

    Vikings Castle UT ”Cheiftans”: Changed so on top of existing effect, infantry generates gold when *killing* villagers (5g), trade units (20g) and monks (20g)

    Vikings Imperial UT ”Bogsveigar”: Archer line and Longships +1 attack.

    **CIV BONUS**

    Berbers vils now only 5% faster moving in dark age, normal value returns in feudal onwards.

    Bengali cav deals +2dmg to skirms

    Chinese start change: -1 villager, +50 food.

    Dravidians siege costs 33% less wood

    Goths get 20% longer lasting hunt

    Elite Shotels are now recruited in 4 seconds (halved train time)

    Incas get a staggered food discount on military units: 15% dark, +5% each age (30% imp)

    Malay Infantry Armor upgrades free

    Malians gold bonus changed from “Mines last 30% longer” to “Villagers drop off 15% more gold”

    Lithuanians food bonus changed: Now each town centre gives +100f instead of starting with +150f.

    Poles no longer get villager regen in dark age

    Saracens transport ships now get double capacity instead of a flat +5

    Sicilians Donjons can now recruit spear line units, castles build 50% faster (halved)

    Spanish gets +20 gold per tech researched

    Slavs get free gambesons

    **TEAM BONUS**

    Britons: Ranges work 10% faster (halved)

    Ethiopians: Outposts cost no stone

    Incas: Start with a free Llama 11

    **UNIT STATS**

    Flemish Militia: -15 HP, -1 attack, -1 PA, now costs 50f 15g and is build from Barracks instead

    Eagle Line +5 food cost

    Elite Steppe Lancer +1 PA

    Boyar cost now more even, 60f 70g

    Sarjeants now have 5 more HP in Feudal age, 10 in castle.

    Keshik train time increased by 2 seconds

    Turtle Ships now have +1 range

    Berserks regenerate without any upgrades now.

    Shirvamsha Rider now costs +10g (30 total), attack speed lowered to 2 from 1.75

    Castle Age Conqs -1 PA

    Slingers cost +10f, Kamayuk +5 (adjustment for civ bonus it seems)

    Organ Gun stats heavily changed to (it seems) make it more of a crowd control unit.

    At first glance seems like a harsh nerf (attack goes 16 to 7, elite 20 to 9) but would require testing i guess

    Cannon Galeons reworked to have blast damage and deal slightly more base damage and less bonus damage.

    (not confirmed) Huskarls get +8 bonus dmg vs Eagles it seems


    Hope Persians get *something*.

    Would be mad if most of the civs get their “UU tax” techs changed and they are still stuck with Mahouts.


    Donjons can now produce spears.

    Now THAT is huge


    I did some testing on the Spanish and realized their faster construction bonus doesn’t apply on the first town center in dark age anymore, I tested in the scenario editor and on nomad and both Franks and Spanish take 56 seconds to build a tc with 3 vills


    Turks/Huns Steppe Lancer dreams crushed…





    Say what you want about these changes but they are all very creative and cool.

    Love them or hate them they definitely make me want to rush home and try different things out with various civs.


    Did Bengalis always have the +2 bonus damage vs skirmishers for cav units?

    Looks like a Ratha buff?


    Not patch notes?

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