Pages for Recruiting AOE2 Clan Members

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  • #22488

    As a beginner in the game, I am searching for people to play team games with.

    Can you tell me where I can find clan recruitment posts to connect with potential teammates?

    Appreciate your help!


    Most people just organise through discord.

    Imo the best way is to just play some ranked games and ask your teammates (if you had fun with them) if they want to queue together.

    Its pretty easy to get some people together like that.

    You can also try to find players in the big streamers discords (just say what you want to play, add your elo)

    Then theres also discords for most countries.

    Maybe if you let us know where you are from, someone can post you an invitation link here.

    Other than that, there is also NC zone.

    Its basically a matchmaking system for teamgames, gives you a nice mappool balanced games with everyone on teamspeak.

    Its mostly german speaking players, but youll be fine if you can communicate in english.

    You should be at least 1k+ to join there iirc. [](

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