My Spouse Craves to Game But Desires Mods That Make It Adorable.

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    I can’t remember the names off the top of my head but there’s a mod that makes the forage bushes pink.

    I used it for a long time.

    Heavenly chorus palette is also nice and there’s mods to make the grey player color white or the purple player color pink.

    It doesn’t come up in ranked games but there’s also a kings to queens mod.

    There’s a mod that throws confetti when u age up or finish researching techs.

    I think it’s called confetti fx.

    Personally I hate it but there’s a mod that turns man-at-arms into snowmen.

    If I think of any others I’ll post but that’s what I remember off the top of my head sorry I don’t remember all the names.


    Daut castle mod is cutest thing ever without any doubt


    She’s going to love the penguins riding polar bears mod.

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