Is Weakness in Post Imp Specifically Associated with Bulgarians?

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    Is it a common belief that Bulgarians are not strong in the post-Imperial period?



    One of the best, really.


    They don’t have a bad post imp, however they do have some terrible matchups, especially against strong cav archer civs if they ever get their comp rolling.

    That said Bulgarians have nice bonuses in the early and midgame, krepost rushes are also underrated imo.

    Against goths going 2h swordsmen with the UT will shut down any infantry play they have.

    It will force them into a HC play, which you should be able to counter with Hussar that have strirrups, HC/Halb is too weak imo, as any siege or skirm play works.

    Basically forcing Goths off Infantry is usually a winning strat against them, though imo they should never get there, Goths get an Ok dark age, a generic Feudal age and compared to many civs a horrible midgame castle age.

    They hold till imp or die, but if they reach their goal they are a terrifying civ, definitely one of the strongest, though not unwinable, you want to prevent them getting there.


    Asking because had my first game of fortress (which completely threw me but l love an unexpected map to get me thinking).

    Anyway the opponent chose Goths and because I have never played fortress before I probably made the poor decision to make some scouts instead of just rushing to castle.

    So I got to Imp behind and although I eventually took plenty of good fights with the Halbs/2HS and Cav, I couldn’t keep up with the Goth spam.

    Anyway is there a good way to handle this or is the answer simply don’t let the Goths player get to late Imp?


    Bagains+Hussar and Siege deletes anything goths can throw at you.

    Mix in a few monks to heal up your 2h swords between fights and drop as many production buildings as you can as you push closer to his base.


    They’ve always been good to me post imp.

    Bulgarians are just a well rounded and overlooked civ imo.


    Bagains 2HS + Siege Onagers will counter Goths hard.

    If they have BBC, make Hussar to snipe it.


    i hate playing against good bulgarians.

    shit is so fast i dont even know how lol

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