Is this Artificial Intelligence at an Extreme Level?

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    Recently, while practicing a fast imp on arena with Turks, I launched an attack on the opposing team by sending 12 hand cannoneers and a bombard cannon.

    To my surprise, the enemy team did not opt for a villager rush on my bombarding cannon but instead, they directed their entire economy towards my hand cannoneers.

    Although these villagers were not special like Incan or Spanish, my strategy turned out to be successful.

    Have you observed any peculiar behavior in the game’s A.I.



    On Arena the AI has a special cheat it seems.

    If you select your scout, then right click the AI‘s scout, it immediately runs to its TC. (I don’t know the exact condition for this to happen but I have seen this many times.)

    Also when you start to convert the AIs starting scout with a monk from inside your base it tries to attack your monk but as it cant cuz of the walls it simply gets stuck.


    The AI will *always* wig out if you rush it on Arena.

    Try any early castle drop build, if you get their starting TC in your los before 20 minutes or so the villagers will often glitch out and just kind of vibrate in place while you shoot them with any projectile.

    I once did an 18+2 castle drop as a proof of concept and it went straight up AFK.


    ever since a patch a few months ago, on arabia, the AI will try to house wall his entire base and wont have the wood for a blacksmith, so its archers lack fletching.


    I just played against extreme A.I.

    on arena.

    They were Turks.

    Went fast imp and made 1 single BBC.

    I had redemption and converted it.

    They didn’t make a single other military unit the entire time.

    Weird behaviors for sure


    For some reason the ai likes to use vills vs small amounts of army especially of it doesn’t have upgrades. 12 isn’t that many, and hand cannoneers dont needget many upgrades

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