Is the extreme AI always this bad?

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It is really bad.
I could easily beat the extreme AI when I was 800 elo.
Makes me wonder: am I a bad player?
Because I struggle with hard AI
After testing the only way I can beat the extreme AI is with early aggression.
I can somewhat survive in Castle age, but as soon as Imperial age hits I get my ass handed to me.
I am really bad at this game and only play casually so my advice could be as useful as snow in a snowstorm.
My sister and I did a 2v2 on michi against two extreme AIs with 60 minute treaty and full map visibility.
Her idea for the weird settings.
Even with that we could not win.
They start sending in counters to your units immediately upon sighting them.
You switch?
They switch as soon as they make contact.
I guess I just suck but they were totally unstoppable and eventually we just lost ground to swarms of enemy units.
It’s extremely map dependent in my experience.
Arabia and arena AI seems quite good if you let them boom for a while, but most of the other maps don’t really seem to have a good AI strategy.
Lately the IA seems struggling a bit, many times it try to go FC but something mess it up and doesn’t either age up or make an army.
Its weird honestly
The AI is pretty bad at handling early game pressure, and strats like tower rushes completely break them.
They do get more competent mid to late game, however, they still have a tendency I like to call the Motherload, where instead of partitioning their army and attacking your weakpoints, they just dump their entire army in front of your doorstep, which is extremely easy to predict and play around.
I’m around 1k-1100 ELO and always struggled with extreme AI until very recently where I found my new favorite civ + build order.
So this entire post (and a lot of the comments) seems very strange to me..
Download Immortal AI, that is a really good AI.
What’s your elo?
I struggle with hardest AI, but I’m lucky to get to feudal with 30 of idle or less
I feel like the latest updates made them a lot better actually.
However, I think the devs tried to do a lot and therefore the AI glitches out on certain maps.
The latest thing seems to be that if you counter their feudal push with a tower, they actually change spots and attack somewhere else.
Sometimes this ends up being a glitchfest where the archer army just dances and doesn’t attack.
Try Arabia.
The AI seems to be good there.
Early game AI is like 900 Elo.
Late game is like 1.1k.
But both instances it can be cheesed easier than a human.
I find it’s more satisfying to play team games against it where depending on matchups it can get more tricky
I played 2v2 with AI tonight and my Magyar ally delivered his relics to me to improve my Lithuanian cav bonus.
That was a cute touch I’d never seen before.
early pressure is like the main weakness of AI I‘d say.
letting it boom to 200, it does get tricky sometimes.