Is the Co-op Campaign AI of Age of Empires 2 experiencing glitches?

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  • #20612

    Greetings everyone,

    I am a former PvP player who ranked with a pre-made group.

    I have recently re-entered the game with a friend to try and reunite with the old gang to play 4 player team ranked games again.

    However, we have been playing co-op campaigns on hard difficulty and the A.I seems to be malfunctioning, either not doing anything at all or ceasing to produce units after only 10 minutes.

    Is there a glitch or issue with the game?

    Additionally, are there any co-op campaigns that you would recommend playing?

    Thank you.



    Do you have a rec from any of these games were the AI is broken?

    Thanks for the report 🙂

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