Implementing Grenadiers into the Game: Is it Possible?

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  • #22114

    Grenadiers are a type of unit that can be trained at barracks.

    To unlock them, you’ll need to research chemistry and grenadier technology at the barracks.

    This will cost you 300 food and 300 gold.

    The unit has 40 health points and deals 40 melee damage, with 1/0 armor.

    It can receive infantry upgrades from blacksmiths and has a splash radius similar to bombards.

    The unit has a speed of 1.2 and a rate of fire of 2.5.

    Its attack range is 3, with a minimum attack range of 1.

    When their grenades hit the target, they explode after a two-second delay.

    Recruiting grenadiers costs 40 food and 60 gold, with a recruitment time of 20 seconds.



    We could also implement tanks and fighter jets.

    We could have monks parachut out of the fighter jets.

    Maybe replace wonders with nukes and get rid of all the silly boats.

    We need submarines!

    Maybe some sort of all terrain vehicle that goes on land and water.

    Personally I’d love to see a priest upgrade that takes children from the enemy to increase population growth.

    Let’s make it happen microsoft! /s


    We can and we did, they are implemented in AoE3 where they belong.

    The unit was officially formed in 17th century, says so right in that link you keep posting.

    Late 16th century isn’t given any context, at best was something irregular.

    But if you really need actual medieval bomb throwers I’m sure there’s something much less anachronistic.

    Like ceramic pot filled with greek fire of naphtha used by Byzantines, middle easterners, Indians and so on.

    And I am sure China had explosive devices that you could throw too.

    From gameplay perspective I am not a fan since there already are onagers and scorpions to give splash damage.

    Also it probably would be broken unit on the closed maps, especially when massed which shouldn’t be too hard with a barrack unit.


    Infantry with splash damage?

    Sounds a bit like chakrams, but with more damage and more requirements.


    The game is already complicated enough as it is.

    We don’t need an entirely new unit line that’s available to (presumably) all civs.

    It’s also completely unclear to me what kind of role this would fulfil that’s not already filled by something else.




    Yeah, just copy the siege onager, make the main projectile invisible and very slow and the secondary projectile can copy the Arambi.

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