If Chinese Obtained Hand-Cannoneer for Historical Reasons, What Nerf Would Be Most Appropriate?
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HC doesn’t allow them to do something really better than now.
They might save on archer upgrades, but upgrade costs are not really the problem of the civ.
Loose Heavy Camel Rider, but keep Camel Rider.
That way it’s only a nerf for Imperial Age, which is when they would get the HCs
Honestly don’t think having or not having HC is worth much at all.
Seriously don’t think their winrate would change if it was just given to them
While China invented gunpowder and used it early on in primitive fire lance weapons, once the Europeans adopted it at a large scale China was still just using it sparingly rather than developing the technology further and making it the main part of their armies.
So it isn’t too historically inaccurate for them to lack hand cannoneers.
That you have to be in a team game with Mongols to unlock it.
HC (hand cannoneer) for HC (heavy camel) would seem fair to me
Slightly related: If they are making a huge china dlc I’d love to see one civ get a Hand Cannon downgrade for free in castle age, and auto upgrade in imperial after chemistry is researched.
HCs are fine.
Problem with giving Chinese gunpowder is bombard cannons