I Wish Rome’s Return Would Revise the Audio.

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    Since the Age of Empires Definitive Edition was on sale, I decided to take a look.

    Unfortunately, the audio quality is really poor.

    The narrator for the campaign sounds like he’s not even interested in what he’s saying.

    The units sound muffled and there’s no crispness or clarity.

    I hope that the Return of Rome isn’t just a simple port of all the Definitive Edition assets into AoE2DE.


    Oooof.I know exactly what u mean.i was like who is forcing this guy to narrate the campaign ,its like someone is threatening him in the background and forcing him to read the aoe script.

    His narration is so fucking bland.🥲🥲
    It was just becz im head over heels about aoe 1 that i played aoe DE campaign again
    Its just ……….

    not a good remaster to say the least
    After aoe 2 DE ,its so difficult to go back to the old aoe 2 but thats not at all true in the case of aoe 1 DE
    But kudos to the development team on aoe 2 DE, they realised their mistakes and did a fantastic job on the remaster of aoe 2
    Im very grateful that they didn’t mess it up like aoe DE and on the contrary gave us a far better product than we expected


    As long as they give the civs dialogue that actually fits their historical language (like Ancient Egyptian for Egyptians) I’ll be happy

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