I have an idea for a mod/game mode/t90 series

  • This topic has 11 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 12 months ago by pepenosoy.
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  • #46717

    Ok so hear me out.

    A 2v2 mode where 1 team member only has access to eco units and buildings and the other only has access to military units and buildings.

    So the military player has to rely on the eco player to send them eco to build buildings and make army, and the other is totally dependent on defence.

    There are a few things I’m unsure of, does the military player get vills at the start in order to make military buildings, should they both have to build houses or should they share pop space, should the military player have a method of getting more vills?

    Fun things I can see with this game mode.

    Pros teamed with noobs.

    You get pros having to try fight with the eco of their noob team mate or vice versa.

    In general a fun team mode.

    An interesting way of mixing civ bonuses.

    Something else..

    I’d like to hear what y’all think?


    Cool idea just have it be combined pop and the military guy gets no vills.

    Starts with 1 military 2 scouts gets to use the military units of the team with combine resources.

    Problem with allowing separate civs is everyone will pick Italians Goths I think


    I played tournament where two players control the same civ.

    So basically a 1v1 with two players on each team.

    It’s quite interesting, monks become significantly better and at a lower elo, you’d almost always have the stronger player focus eco early where his mate would scout, then at some point transition to micro where your mate would macro the eco based on your feedback.

    We found the eco person would be best for monks, and manage them when called for


    Love the idea!

    I’m all about these fun tournament ideas.

    It might be a good idea to suggest across some aoe2 discord servers.

    There are so many good sized ones and some are doing creative tournaments – maybe not this unique, but I’m sure you’d find some takers.


    Like Builders and warriors from starcraft1 🙂 Yeah I wanna see this in aoe2


    Monks for eco player?


    If you’re intending for t90, there is a discord channel to discuss this.


    I would suggest Co-op tournament.

    I would turn into one player doing ECO micro while one microing the army.

    And in late game they would be both microing the army.


    I like it.

    For the vil issue you could have it so that the eco player builds the buildings and any military buildings get automatically converted to the military player.


    You can try this out in lobby already.

    Have 2 players pick the same colour so they both control same units.

    It will have to be a gentleman’s agreement that 1 will control eco and the other military, but for testing if it’s fun it should work great.


    This is literally the goth sling strat


    That’s an idea I think could really suit the Empire wars start!

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