“I Don’t Believe I’ve Ever Won Against All-In FC Knights, Despite Their Balanced Reputation”

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    whenever my opponent didnt play archers in feudal and reaches castle before me, i start producing spears until i know what they are going for.

    Even just a few knights can be a big problem.

    Most knight all ins i won against were just because im trigger happy with getting pikes and an additional barrack, and the opponent didnt bother to add other units than knights.

    Those where they added archers or cav archers before i could stabilize went downhill pretty quick.


    Wait till the magyar all in triple stable kt come into play at 1200ish elo

    Whenever I see oponent as mag I usually start with MAA and wall my base, since its magyard scout I make smaller wall, try to play defensive and try to scout enemy strat, if he goes 3 stable KT, you go 2 tc monk and xbow mass play defensive and go up to imp, arbalest melt castle age KT

    If he goes a more passive route, you can try going 3 tc boom or 1 TC play fast Imp and try to end game early imp


    It’s not balanced at 1100.

    At that ELO FC on Arabia is harder to punish.

    It’s also very difficult at all ELOs to make a comeback when the other player is ahead.

    Push harder in feudal, but try to learn when to give up, specially if you are playing scouts.

    Wall up and go to castle.

    Then monk pike is a way to come back.

    If you are on archers build numbers in feudal.

    A dozen archers will keep the knights away behind walls for a little bit while you get your upgrades.


    I just want to say that everyone seems too focused on the strengths of knights.

    The reality of the statistics is that *civs with a strong eco and strong unit win games*.

    Japanese, Italians, Portuguese and Persians can make fully upgraded castle age knights, but no one is complaining about their all-powerful knight rushes.

    The strengths of civs like Franks and Berbers is that they can do a knight push while still having great eco, either because of a strong eco buff, or a big discount on the units they’re making.

    That’s not a knight problem.


    I feel u.

    When greedy strats pay off it’s pretty frustrating.

    Especially at lower elo, executing feudal aggression can be hard.

    That said, any kind of feudal aggression should win against fc knights (unless ur dealing with Hoang in the 2k+ range 11).

    Scouts, archers, even towers should win.

    I’m not that much higher elo then u (1200) and I’ve definitely won multiple games against fc knight this way.

    Basically the game is over before they even get knights out.

    Even if they manage to squeak a knight or two they’ve taken too much damage to get upgrades, kill my feudal army, or produce anything else.

    I know your capable of pulling this off!

    U might just need a little confidence to go for the fast feudal aggression without letting up.

    Straight archers will get u into feudal around 9-10 mins and u just keep training from 2 ranges with fletching.

    Scouts should also do the trick.

    As long as u attack in feudal as much as you can manage then u should get tons of damage against fc (especially at this elo).

    The opponent will have no chance.

    It won’t even matter if u make counter units in castle age or not.

    Anyway hope that helped.

    Gl hf.


    I’m 1400 elo, and nevermind my subjective opinion, stats agree that knight all in, wins games.

    Regardless of what people say here, it’s completely understandable that you happen to struggle against the tactic that wins one of the highest percentages of matches across the board.

    Nevermind low elo.

    These guys are simply proven wrong by stats.

    Knight pressure is dominant to high elos.

    It’s simply much easier to play, than the counter of monks (specifically) and still easier to counter their counter (pikes).

    Pikes suck strategically because they’re too slow, need too much of an investment, have minimal aggressive (counter attack) and require too high numbers (meaning they can be isolated and beaten by agile knights).

    While monks require a massive amount of baby sitting and micro.

    The attentiveness in itself is enough of a detriment, nevermind the physical micro.

    Since it’s fairly easy to catch an opponent off guard and snipe their monks.

    There’s a clear reason knight play dominates the entire ladder.

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