Does Anyone Else Avoid Using the Terrain Grid?

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    In my opinion, I have an aversion to the terrain grid’s appearance since it diminishes the game’s attractiveness.

    Although it would benefit me in terms of making quick walls, preserving villagers, and identifying wall openings, I am hesitant to activate it despite playing in ranked matches.

    I am wondering if anyone else shares the same sentiment as me.


    Above all else: play the game the way you wanna play it!

    If you do wanna minimise grid-related mistakes (holes in walls, incorrectly estimating the range of buildings etc), there’s an option to only make the grid appear when you’ve actively selected a building you wanna build in the villager command card area.

    This way it won’t show up by default but will pop into existence when you’re about do drop down a new building!


    I don’t mind it but if you enjoy the game more that way play that way.

    It’s a game so the primary focus should be fun 🙂


    It’s completely fine to play without, you just have to be extra careful about holes.

    Small trees are pretty much essential though.


    I’ve played long enough to see what’s a hole and what’s not, don’t need the terrain grid.

    Sure it’s sometimes extra work to count where to put farms for example, but it’s completely fine.


    Just in case someone doesn’t know, the grid you get in options looks more defined and for many, myself included, it looks horrible, is way better getting a mod for terrain grid, the lines look more faint and feel less invasive.


    I still have the farm placing glitch from before this patch where with the grid on, when I go to place a farm I CANNOT see it.

    Ie I have to guess that Im placing it right next to another farm.


    Grid also helps calculate when your units are in range to shoot or be shot at.

    Yes I’m a tryhard


    Nah fuck the real game, age of cubes gang rise up! 😉

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