Defend Against Portuguese on the Flank

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  • #8788

    Almost every arena team has a Portuguese player, and the only way to avoid them is to hope they are on the opposite side of the map.

    To counter this, you can drop your castle to cover some of the eco, but an Organ Gun can quickly break through other parts of the stone walls and get into the base.

    Monks and Onagers won’t work if they go double castle.

    Another option is to go guard tower with monk defense, which can protect yourself, but in most cases the Portuguese player will go to your pocket and delay them.

    Trushing won’t work since the patch change, as they usually have a good uptime and you have little time window to work with.

    So, how should the game be played?

    Should you trush early to deny berries and instead of booming, should your pocket play aggressively to kill the Portuguese player and their pocket?


    That’s why Ive been playing Aztecs after the latest Portuguese buff.


    If you do the defensive castle thing then the portu just goes to pocket and then your now fighting portu and being yelled at by pkt.


    Yeah I find castle drop into organ gun to be the hardest to defend by far.

    They wreck mangonel.

    Monks useless.


    i havent played against this yet but if its so predictable wouldnt feudal army counter castle drop?


    Trush with archers for map control, once they get organs out you can keep them at their home.

    Guard tower and boom behind, don’t race imp, let your pocket get to imp. 2k1 elo


    Fast imp into BBC to take down castles


    I have successfully defended it 2x in ranked 10xx, both the same way.

    I sneak _some_ villagers out onto the side of the maps and the back bases.

    They make more TCs and also a siege workshop.

    Gather some light cav and break into their base and harass their eco.

    Build a castle on their face.

    Eventually they realize they need to bring their army home.

    Use light cav to snipe any organ guns that are alone.

    Build another castle or siege workshop to take out the castle in your base.

    Never fight their army always just avoid it and keep growing your eco and eventually crush their army with Cav.


    Usualy its just own castle to defend and 3-4 mangos(dont use less) or Redemtion monk behind wall


    second row of walls/building, deep pocket 2 castles in ur own base, retake scorched earth territory with siege trash and uu after turtling imp

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