Days of Voobly

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  • #22573

    Do you miss the days of Voobly?

    I’ve been playing AOE for more than 20 years, but I’m starting to get over it.

    The constant updates and changes are frustrating, and the unranked lobby browser has been broken for a while.

    Additionally, the new civilizations don’t add much value and feel unbalanced.

    I long for the simpler days of Voobly when you could choose a map and play it without all the extra hassle.


    So why don’t you play on Voobly then?

    It is still there with 800 players playing RM.


    > (is it really that hard to keep the settings on after an update?)

    It is on purpose so that you don’t report bugs that have nothing to do with the update because they are mod bugs.

    > And also I still feel like all the new Civs are completely unnecessary, and dont add anything of value to the game.

    They also still feel very unbalanced.

    Have you played them?


    It’s all about ladder grind nowadays.

    If you are bad on Arabia, don’t even try to improve, just ban it.

    Force your opponent to play BF or something and ALWAYS pick best civ for that map, bc you know, it’s not about winning, you just want to have fun, and playing S-tier civs is more fun obviously.


    Agreed, I would love to see a ranked lobby where you can play the map you want.

    I don’t understand why this is not an option when even voobly can accommodate this.


    Lots of hate on this.

    Let me rephrase myself, I’m not saying the game is worse, it definitely got A LOT better, I couldn’t live without the queueing system.

    But its more the simple things that I miss.

    Like being able to pick a map I want to play, even if I need to wait for 30 min…

    Also with every update they seem to introduce bugs, like the unranked lobby browser seems to have been broken for months, and hasn’t been fixed the last couple of updates.

    And new civs are fun, but it seems to take months before they get balanced, during which no one wants to play them.

    I still get shivers seeing Shrivamsha riders in my eco…


    Not even remotely.

    The days of poor connections, smurfs everywhere in the new player lobbies, 1-2 hours just to find a match?

    Either you’re wearing some rose tinted glasses, or your experience with voobly was vastly different than mine.


    Map pools that nobody wants to play?

    Aren’t map pools basically decided by popular vote these days?

    I love that because finally we have a rotation with some variety and maps that the community is interested in.


    Nostalgia is one hell of a drug


    Nostalgia is one hell of a drug


    game is wayy better now

    maybe you just need a break


    if by “wait a bit” you mean “wait 3-4 hours”, then sure

    i had an above average rating and didn’t play during EU time.

    i could not find quick games bigger than 1v1

    cherry-picking lobbies simply doesn’t work for this kind of game.

    the player base has too many scrubs who only want to play games they are 75% to win.

    both teams cannot be 75% to win, so the end result is nobody plays


    the fact that low elos can readily find evenly matched opponents is already a major improvement to infinite amount of smurfs in lobby games in the past


    I do, we used to stack as 1-8 players and play.

    Now max 4 and I’m getting gimmicky starts, like organs, flemish revs, cuman feudal rams.

    The 1v1 nerf wall broke tg’s which is in most maps about hyper aggression.

    The lack of TG tournaments …

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