Daniel Constructing a 37-Scout Force of Teutons Versus Viper in Recent Ranked Game was One of the Most Amusing Age of Empires II Moments I’ve Witnessed Recently

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    I recently witnessed a particularly humorous moment in an Age of Empires II ranked game, where Daniel had constructed a 37-strong Teutonic force to battle Viper’s forces.

    It was one of the most entertaining AoE2 scenes I have seen in a while.


    Context: Viper got devastated by a 2 militia drush where Daniel killed 2 vils.

    He then went all-in feudal, going archers then scouts while towering Vipey’s res.

    He continued to spam scouts for more than 15 real minutes after Viper got to castle and started booming.

    For most of game Daniel’s eco was untouched and Vipey insisted he could’ve easily clicked up and killed him instead of spamming scouts and building more towers.

    If I had a nickel for every time I saw Daniel throw an early lead over Viper cuz he decided to troll him, I’d have at least 15 cents.

    [le game](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mts8dcrB-74)

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