Civ Idea- Feudal Aggression Experts (Balanced)

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  • #20440

    Before, I usually created civ concepts based on cultures, but this time, I wanted to create a civ that exemplifies the feudal age.

    This civ is a siege and camel civilization with a team bonus that increases the LOS of their villagers by 1 in the castle and imperial age.

    Their first bonus allows them to have free feudal age blacksmith upgrades, giving them more flexibility.

    However, they do not have any additional eco bonuses until the early imperial age.

    They can also benefit from having +2 LOS and range on their town centers as well as a siege workshop that supports 10 additional population and costs 25 fewer wood.

    Additionally, this civ can produce cheaper and more effective siege weapons, including mangonels, orangers, and SOs.

    They also have a unique unit, the elite cannon camel, which is essentially a bombard cannon placed on a camel, making it a great siege, gunpowder, and cavalry unit.

    For their unique techs, they can eliminate the gold cost of camel riders and add food instead, and they can increase the damage of their scorpions against other siege units and improve their speed.

    For their early game strategy, they can focus on constant feudal aggression.

    In Castle Age, they can take advantage of their edge with cheap onagers or use their castle and cannon camel for defense.

    Their early imperial strategy is boosted with the eco bonuses and onager bonuses, and they can transition into using fast scorpions and SOs, trash camels, and trebuchets/bombard cannons in their late imperial strategy.

    Their late game strategy involves using trash camels and cheap SOs for a strong push, yet they lack other units like pikes, elite skirms, and hussars for game balance.


    IT would bei fast Castle Knights with all Upgrades cause of the free blacksmith stuff


    I really don’t think you realise all the implications of full free blacksmith upgrades without a blacksmith.

    When someone shows up with at 9:30 with 4 archers with both upgrades in your base, it’s basically gg.

    You want to wall in order to delay him and catch up with upgrades?

    Good luck with his instant +1 +1 scout.

    This bonus might be alright at lower elos but at 1500+ it will be Broken.



    The unique unit and scorp tech sound like a meme.


    Cannon Camel 11


    What a stupid idea, just free blacksmith upgrades alone as a bonus would make this #1 civ on arabia


    > team bonus
    > villagers +1 LOS in castle age, +1 in imp age(avg meh team bonus)

    That’s not average meh, that’s “I would literally rather have ‘May research Atheism’ as a team bonus.”

    Villager LoS is actually a nice civ/team bonus…

    in Dark Age, especially on nomad starts.


    Absolutely not.

    The Cumans are already the top Feudal civ with extra tc, cheap stable/range, and available ram.

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