AoE2 is an incredible video game offering various civilizations to play with different focuses.
Although there are some civs that emphasize monks, no true monk civilization exists.
Hence, I created one that also has the added advantage of being challenging for the AI opponents.
The Monk civilization starts with three relics found under the Town Center, and its monks have a boosted range of +3.
Moreover, they don’t require mining camps to mine gold, and all military units regenerate 10 HP per minute.
Aside from the basic military units, its unique unit is Pope, a monk that moves 50% faster and has 50% more HP for a cost of 150 gold.
The Monk civ has two unique techs for further enhancement: Sale of Indulgences that reduces military units’ gold cost by 25% (costs 700 food and 1000 gold), and Resurrection of Jesus that lets monks convert instantly (costs 1000 food and 1000 gold).
Additionally, the civ has a team bonus that gives monks 100% more line of sight and the wonder, St.
Peter’s Basilica.
The tech tree of the Monk civilization is complete for Castle Age, but imperial techs and units (except the Monastery) are unavailable.
The idea behind the Monk civilization is not to create your units, but rather convert your opponent’s good units into yours.