Campaign Advise: Changing Unit Damage to N-(n-1)

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  • #19589

    I was playing a game called “Rajendra” in the South Asia area.

    In the first scenario, after playing for a few minutes, my unit suddenly started taking only 1 damage N-(n-1), which made it impossible for me to kill anything.

    Even creating a new unit did not solve the problem.

    I have attached two screenshots of the affected unit and hero.

    I have checked the game files using the steam function, but I cannot find a solution to the problem.

    Is there somewhere in the game I should avoid or something I should do to fix this?

    I am asking if anyone knows how to fix it because I can’t finish the campaign with this issue.


    It’s a bug, and has been fixed in the upcoming patch.

    I dont think there’s a date for the release yet though since it had to be rolled back when they originally released it.

    In the meantime it is possible to still win, you just have to avoid using your hero in combat too much.

    You can still use him to draw fire and maybe pick off a few lone units.

    If he levels up accidentally, you can delete him to reset the “bonus”


    As u/raids_made_easy said, it’s a bug the team is already tracking.

    Thanks for the report! 🙂

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