I am a player with around 1000 elo and I am participating in the “masters of hyperrandom” tournament for the first time.
As I have not played many games and have limited knowledge of the different civilizations, I am looking for advice on creating a roster of 10-12 civs for the draft.
The tournament involves 6 picks, 2 bans, and 1 snipe with megarandom maps.
I have had success with Turks and Hindustanis and I am currently learning Magyars for their scout rush strategy.
I am also interested in Bengalis but unsure if they are only suitable for closed maps.
Mongols seem like a good choice due to their hunt bonus and Spanish and Portuguese have good tech trees and versatility.
However, as these civs may be popular picks, I am seeking alternatives.
I appreciate any suggestions.
Tournament information can be found in the attached link.