Basically Any 1-TC Yolo all-in strategy.
Something easy would be Berber/Frank/Hun 2 or 3 Stable knight all-in.
If you want to be a bit different, you can do a pikes/siege/monk all-in 1 TC push with Celts/Slavs/Teutons or any other civ you fancy.
Alternatively, if the opponent is open in feudal, you can try an all-in YOLO strategy in Feudal.
Best civs would be something like Magyars for cheap scouts + free forging, Bulgarians for cheap blacksmith upgrades, Cumans for faster scouts + cheaper stables.
If you want to go archers, you can go Mayans/Portuguese/Turks for discount, Britons for faster production, Ethiopians for faster firing, Vietnamese for tankier archers
You can also go Yolo with maa with goths or other suitable civs like japanese or even burmese.