Age of Empires 2 Best civilization + Tier List

So what’s the best civilization in age of empires 2?
A. Mongols,Khmers, Persians, Incas, Portuguese, Mayans are currently the best civilizations in AoE2 DE.
They are ranked in S tier because of their consistent economic bonuses and army compositions.
Not only that but …
Mongols get faster firing ca, and anti siege unique units.
Portuguese get one of the best unique unit in the game, cheaper gold units and faster researching technologies.
Mayans have cheap archers and a fast unique archery/anti-archery/anti-eagle unit .
Persian’s town centers work faster meaning villagers and their tc technologies complete faster.
Incas get food discounts throughout the age on military and cheap stone buildings allow them to be aggressive and defensive at the same time.
Khmers have no building requirement allowing to skip to the transition army, achieve faster castle age timing. Their farmers do not need a drop site for food and get access to faster cavalry units.
So yeah that’s definitely why they deserve the S tier title.
If you want to see the full age of empires 2 tier list table (S, A, B, C, D) where S is the best civilization and D is the worst civilization. Here it is:
S (OP) | A (Strong) | B (Viable) | C (Sub-par) | D (Bad) |
Mongols | Chinese | Malians | Britons | Bulgarians |
Khmers | Saracens | Armenians | Japanese | Sicilians |
Persians | Georgians | Romans | Burmese | |
Incas | Vietnamese | Gurjaras | Magyars | |
Portuguese | Malay | Franks | Bengalis | |
Mayans | Slavs | Lithiuanians | Spanish | |
Aztecs | Vikings | Turks | ||
Tartars | Hindustanis | Dravidians | ||
Byzantines | Cumans | |||
Ethiopians | Bugundians | |||
Berbers | Poles | |||
Koreans | Huns | |||
Bohemians | Teutons | |||
Italians | Celts | |||
Goths |
Now all you need to do is to practice these Hera’s build orders pdf (16 builds optimal for the new meta).