Hidden Cup 4 – Download All Recorded Games (HC4 2021)

Hidden Cup 4 is a yearly Age of Empires II tournament organized by T90Official. It consists of two brackets: (1)Qualifiers bracket of 64 expert participants from all over the world competing for only 4 spots to play neck a neck in the (2)Main Event Bracket of 12 players in total; 8 of them preselected because they are the best in the world: TheViper, MBL, Hera, Lieryy, TaToH, Daut, Dogao, Mr.Yo. All 12 players identities are sealed and hidden. Not the casters, nor the spectators nor the players themselves recognize each other. Pretty cool huh?
A few of you may know that recorded games break whenever the game gets a new update. All we have to do to get around it is to downgrade Age of empires 2 de to a particular version to view those recorded games. Let’s see how to do that first before downloading the recorded games.
1.Downloading DE Replays Manager
Hidden Cup 4 was played in February & March which means Patch Version [February,11 2021 (45185)]. Since AoE2 DE DO NOT allow downgrading.. We will be using an open source tool called DE Replays Manager
Before we get started, Let me remind you that steam login & password are NOT required to proceed with the downgrade. DE Replays Manager DO NOT save any credentials; as a matter of fact it is an open source tool which means if you are in suspicion you can git clone the project, analyze the code and compile it yourself at https://github.com/gregstein/DE-Replays-Manager .
DE Replays Manager uses the official Steamkit2 & Depot Downloader libraries to make the entire process of downgrading painless with a user friendly UI.
- Download DERM installer by going to https://github.com/gregstein/DE-Replays-Manager/releases/tag/ Then Scroll down to “Assets” and click DERMSetup- to download the installer
- Sign into your steam client first (Required Only Once!) then Run DEReplays Manager > Go to Downgrade Tool Tab > Click “Run Downgrader Tool” button
- Check “Skip Steam Login” and Select patch version 11 February 2021 (45185) Then finally press Downgrade Now! button
Check Skip Steam Login and choose version 11 Feb 2021 - At the end of the downgrade you will get “Failed To Download These depots: Depot 4, Depot 5. Try upgrading using your steam credentials”. IGNORE IT! Because the downgrade is successful nonetheless.
Ignore this error! The downgrade is successful.
2. Hidden Cup 4 Brackets
A look into the two brackets of Hidden cup. Bear in mind that “Main Event” bracket is the real deal – the actual tournament.
Qualifiers Brackets (64 Players – Double Elimination)
Main Event (16 Players – Single Elimination)
3. Recorded Games Downloads
What recorded games are you looking to download? One or some of them? Or All of them?
I put together all recorded games in a chronical order available to download one by one or all in one zip file. If you wish to download all games find an archive file enclosed at the end of this section.
HC4 Qualifiers Recorded Games [Downloads]
HC4 Main Tournament Recorded Games [Downloads]
HC4 Game Pack (Qualifiers + Main Event) [Downloads]
Pick only one of the archive files below. Bear in mind that .7z is a smaller download size compared to .zip archive.
Download as (.zip) [Size: 101 MB]
Download as (.7z) [Size: 78 MB]
Where to extract Recorded Games?
AoE2 DE stores recorded game in the following location:
%userprofile%\Games\Age of Empires 2 DE
Exactly inside “\Random Digits\savegame”. Ofc we won’t bother to extract recs manually since DEReplays Manager can do that for us.
Run DEReplays Manager > Click “Browse Replays” tab > Click “Import” button or drag&drop the zip file to import the zip file.
How To Upgrade AOE2 DE Back To Latest Version?
Go To Your Steam Library ▶ Right Click AoE2 DE ▶ Properties ▶ Local Files ▶ Verify The Integrity of Game Files.
Video Tutorial & Demo
The End
All recorded games were downloaded from AoEZone.com . I only organized and renamed them for you guys.
Enjoy the games❤️
WOOOW Thank you Greg!!!!!! I thought I could never watch those….
ty for sharing all these recs and the software is amazing. Great work!
Thank you brother <3