
Auto Installer For Age of Empires II On Wine Linux (Ubuntu, Mint, Debian)

Installing and Setting up all Age of empires 2 on linux could not be any easier with this guide. Just run a single command line on your terminal and everything will be taken care of. You will only need to confirm a few windows that pop up so the entire process is “easy peasy lemon squeezy”.

In this guide I have used Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and  highly recommend you to proceed with the same version if possible. Nonetheless, you may still pick earlier versions or use auto installer scripts for other distributions such as Mint or Debian.

Auto Installer Script in Picture by Picture

Getting Ready

  1. Open up your Terminal command using CTRL + ALT + T
  2. Paste Your Auto installer Command line and hit ENTER

One Command Line To Install

Choose of these command lines Based On Your Linux Distribution


Ubuntu 20.04 (Default, tested in this tutorial) Ubuntu 20.04 (Default, tested in this tutorial)
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregstein/AoE2Tools/master/WindowsFormsApplication3/linux/Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-20.04-Mint-20.sh && sudo chmod +x Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-20.04-Mint-20.sh && ./Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-20.04-Mint-20.sh
Ubuntu 20.10 Ubuntu 20.10
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregstein/AoE2Tools/master/WindowsFormsApplication3/linux/Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-20.10.sh && sudo chmod +x Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-20.10.sh && ./Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-20.10.sh
Ubuntu 19.10 Ubuntu 19.10
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregstein/AoE2Tools/master/WindowsFormsApplication3/linux/Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-19.10.sh && sudo chmod +x Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-19.10.sh && ./Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-19.10.sh
Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 18.04
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregstein/AoE2Tools/master/WindowsFormsApplication3/linux/Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-18.04-Linux-Mint-19.X.sh && sudo chmod +x Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-18.04-Linux-Mint-19.X.sh && ./Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-18.04-Linux-Mint-19.X.sh
Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 16.04
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregstein/AoE2Tools/master/WindowsFormsApplication3/linux/Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-16.04-Linux-Mint-18.sh && sudo chmod +x Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-16.04-Linux-Mint-18.sh && ./Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-16.04-Linux-Mint-18.sh


Debian 10 Buster Debian 10 Buster
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregstein/AoE2Tools/master/WindowsFormsApplication3/linux/Auto-Installer-Debian-10-Buster.sh && sudo chmod +x Auto-Installer-Debian-10-Buster.sh && ./Auto-Installer-Debian-10-Buster.sh


Mint 20 Mint 20
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregstein/AoE2Tools/master/WindowsFormsApplication3/linux/Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-20.04-Mint-20.sh && sudo chmod +x Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-20.04-Mint-20.sh && ./Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-20.04-Mint-20.sh
Mint 19.* Mint 19.*
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregstein/AoE2Tools/master/WindowsFormsApplication3/linux/Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-18.04-Linux-Mint-19.X.sh && sudo chmod +x Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-18.04-Linux-Mint-19.X.sh && ./Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-18.04-Linux-Mint-19.X.sh
Mint 18.* Mint 18.*
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregstein/AoE2Tools/master/WindowsFormsApplication3/linux/Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-16.04-Linux-Mint-18.sh && sudo chmod +x Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-16.04-Linux-Mint-18.sh && ./Auto-Installer-Ubuntu-16.04-Linux-Mint-18.sh

Setting up Age of Empires 2 on Linux

Once you pasted the proper command line onto your terminal > press Enter & let it install for you.

During this process, a few windows will pop up.. Thus the aim of this guide to illustrate what actions you should take from the first time you typed in the command line until the end.

(Click an image to Zoom in)

Congratulations! You’re ready to play now but we still need to apply some fixes..

ALT-TAB/Scroll Fix For Age of Empires 2 Linux

You may have noticed an issue with Age of empires 2 when you alt-tab out and in, the game is endlessly scrolling towards the bottom or top screen. Thanks to SFTtech ! He released a small patch to prevent this issues from happening – Don’t worry! I made it easier for you to install with one liner shell command:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregstein/AoE2Tools/master/WindowsFormsApplication3/linux/ScrollFix.sh && sudo chmod +x ScrollFix.sh && ./ScrollFix.sh

After you run this command, you will notice a new file “Age of Empires II Single Player.sh” on your desktop. Use it to run and play single player bugs-free. What you should know is that this fix does not apply for multiplayer on Voobly, just single player mode. Meantime you can avoid alt-tabbing in multiplayer or create a thread petition in their Voobly forums to encourage them to merge the scroll fix.

Create AoE2Tools Shortcut

Do not underestimate AoE2Tools! It’s a very powerful set of tools to help you throughout your AoE2 gaming journey. You can run through it multiple game versions (1.0c, 1.4Rc, 1.5, WK, Realms, FE), install offline mods, import hotkeys, view recorded games, reinstall the game, and so on and so forth.

Simply run this command on your terminal to create a shortcut to double click on your desktop

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregstein/AoE2Tools/master/WindowsFormsApplication3/linux/AoE2Tools.sh && sudo chmod +x "/home/$USER/Desktop/AoE2Tools.sh"


Can I play Age of Empires II: 2013 aka HD With this Wine Installation?

Yes, you can. But first..

  1. Create a Steam shortcut on your desktop
    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gregstein/AoE2Tools/master/WindowsFormsApplication3/linux/Steam.sh && sudo chmod +x "/home/$USER/Desktop/Steam.sh"
  2. Double click Steam shortcut > Sign into your account > Go to your game library > Select Age of empires II: 2013 & Install(Another download will appear of Steam redistributions. Let it install DO NOT cancel it)
  3. While the game is downloading > Again, Right click Age of empires II: 2013 > Properties > Type in Launch Options:


    Skip intro AoE2 2013 aka HD

  4. Upon Installation Complete > Click Play > Confirm Gecko Installation > Finally Press Play on the game Launcher
    AoE2 2013 Launcher

Can I play Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition With this Wine Installation?

No, you can’t because AoE2 DE is a 64bit game only. So it requires a wine64 bit install prefix which hopefully we would see in a future tutorial.

Uninstall  Age of Empires 2 & Wine Setup

If you wish to uninstall this entire setup it could not be more easier.

Begin by removing wine and clearing its files

sudo apt-get remove wine && rm -rf $HOME/$USER/wine32 && rm -rf $HOME/.wine && rm -f $HOME/.config/menus/applications-merged/wine* && rm -rf $HOME/.local/share/applications/wine && rm -f $HOME/.local/share/desktop-directories/wine* && rm -f $HOME/.local/share/icons/????_*.xpm

Then purge wine and fix any errors:

sudo apt-get remove –purge wine && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get autoclean && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove

That’s that! After running the commands above, wine and everything we installed earlier are removed and cleaned from your Linux system.


I hope this tutorial was as detailed and comprehensive as possible. Please feel free to ask questions or post issues and I will respond in the shortest terms.

Happy gaming on Linux ❤️


I am GregStein, an experienced Age of Empires 2 player and part-time developer. With over 7 years of experience in multiplayer gaming, blogging and technical issues.

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3 years ago

Woooooooow!!! This worked out of box on my Ubuntu machine, for the first time I don’t struggle to install aoe2 and voobly and that infinite scroll fix worked too. I want to donate some money to you please send me your email or something.

Thanks a lot!!

3 years ago

Hello thanks for this tutorial. Is there any way of uninstalling and reverting all this process?
Just in case I make a mistake or I want to delete the game.


3 years ago

OMG DUDE this worked on my kubuntu I was afraid it wouldn’t but it did work like a charm thank you so much for this ez guide. It’s hard nowadays to find a good one

1 year ago

Hi.. i never get to the part of NETs installation.. this still work on Debian 11? and 64b system also compatible? Regards

Last edited 1 year ago by Hessed
1 year ago

Sorry if this is a stupid question but: Do I need to buy a license or pay for the game or everything free? Thanks

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