Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition Goes Free to Play

Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition is now free to play on Steam as of August 3rd, 2023! The game was released in 2020 as a remaster of the 2005 game Age of Empires III
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Reasons for Going Free to Play
There are a few reasons why Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition is going free to play.

First, the game’s player base has been declining in recent years. According to Steamcharts, the average number of players for the game has been around 2500-4000 in the past few months. This is a significant drop from the game’s peak player count of over 20,000 in 2020.

Second, the game’s multiplayer matchmaking times have been increasing. This is likely due to the declining player base. Players who want to play multiplayer often have to wait several minutes to find a match.
Third, Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition has been outperforming Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition in terms of popularity. According to Steamcharts, Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition has an average of over 10,000 players and consistently peaks at over 20,000, which is 5 times more than Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition.
What Does This Mean for Players?
Players who have already purchased Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition will still have access to all of the content that they have already unlocked. However, new players will be able to download and play the game for free.
The free to play version of the game will include a rotating roster of 16 civilizations, as well as a limited number of historical battles and the tutorial. Players who want to unlock all of the content will need to purchase the full game.
Is This the End of Life Support for the Game?
With the game going free to play, some players are wondering if this is the end of life support for the game. Will there be no more patches, DLC, or other updates?
It’s too early to say for sure. However, the developers have said that they are committed to supporting the game for the foreseeable future. They have also said that they are open to feedback from the community about what features and content players would like to see in the future.
Only time will tell what the future holds for Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition. However, the fact that the game is going free to play is a good sign that the developers are still interested in supporting it.
Hello Greg
Hope u doing well 🙂
Are u going to update your downgrade tool anytime soon please?
or are you aware of any alternative we can do now to watch old patch replies?
done! open the downgrade tool it’s update with all previous missing patches up till today