You only want to see one result when someone starts to outpost rush.. (T90 TTL)

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Now, I love >!Hera!< but when someone starts outpost rushing like that after a competitive series I do think it can be seen as disrespectful (like Memb states in his commentary of it).
[\_GXJDnUE&t=1864s&ab\_channel=MembTV-AgeofEmpires]( \-> last game
>!Losing that game after that is punishment enough imo, dude had to have a big bite of humble pie.!<
aM gonna aM
Fixed timestamp:
Agree, why do it as a number one player especially when it’s your livelihood too
Yeah that’s not a good look.
Maybe >!Hera!< felt like >!Andy!< disrespected him in the first game with a late-game douche?
I also like >!Hera!<, but every time I think he’s matured a lot and become more professional…
he does something stupid like this.
Edit: [here’s his PoV]( right before he starts outpost-rushing he says:
> Let me sum it up for you guys.
He lamed my boars, and my berries, I’m versus monks and halbs, the two most broken units in the game, and I still won.
That’s what I’m talking about
Then about 2 minutes after he starts outpost rushing, he goes:
> Wait is this still winnable for him?
I guess it is, I should focus up, this could backfire
Finally watched all this, funny that every so often there’s some beef about Hera on here and all his fans go “oh no he’s actually much more mature now and he’s stopped being a dick”.
Not sure about that!
Sorry can u explain me what happened?
Watching it through Hera’s stream, it actually wasn’t bad at all..he was pretty low key about it, and realized pretty quickly he should have focused more.
I dunno, I think it’s fine.
Pretty funny honestly.
Was watching MbL and Hearttt cast and they thought it was absolutely hilarious 11
I was watching sitaux’s stream and thought it was some big drama time.
Checked out the set later and it’s not a big thing.
He never actually made more than one outpost and rest were foundations only visible to the viewers.
It would be a real dick move if he legit makes them since it screws the mental aspect of the opponent.
For the first game those were tigui tcs ( Andy probably saw hera’s upload of tigui tc rush 11)
It all comes down to arrogance and Ego.
I’ve always seen the AOE2 community as a mostly nice and respectful community.
Lead be example by the best players.
Players who spent years on the game.
Developing the strategies and keeping it alive.
Hera is, in my opinion, the black sheep in all of this.
He is no doubt the current best rated player, but as far as the game or community goes, we would lose nothing if he stopped playing.
Is an outpost rush just placing outposts everywhere so you can see everything?
Why is that disrespectful?
Isn’t that just a good strat?
Hes probably just saying somthing to his chat.
that wasn’t even an outpost rush he just spamed a few foundations.
All the Pro’s in the AoE2 scene are friendly with each other.
It’s us dirty low eloers who are the problem children.
I had a game the other day where this guy repeatedly told me to kill myself cause he lost.
Hera fan, I find that hilarious both that he did that and that he lost lol.
All is fair.