“You are Extremely Fortunate That My Ex-Girlfriend Called”

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  • #6354

    I was able to defeat a Hungarian opponent playing as the Portuguese on Yucatan.

    My scout rush did not cause much damage and I was able to amass archers into crossbows, leading to an early imperial age with an archer power spike.

    He conceded and I was expecting a “good game” but instead was given a title quote.

    I checked the Civilizations and saw that he hadn’t gone inactive.

    When he gave up, he had 30 fewer villagers than I did and I had 50 archers out.

    I was very fortunate!


    “I could always wait for you for 5s :)” reply


    That ex thing sounds like copium but there is still a possibility that the fact that he was 30 vil behind was precisely because he was distracted and on the phone.

    Congrats by the way.


    Banter is fun and makes people seem alive rather than just ai.


    You should have seen what she was doing to distract me!


    Lol yesterday I got “congrats, you bored me to death” when my opponent resigned after an hour long Arabia match that was definitely not boring, and actually looked like he was gonna win for a while.

    My Celts vs.

    his Brits, tons of back and forth, I lost my original base but had additional TC’s up all over the map and a forward castle on a gold and stone pile.

    He stayed on his original TC only the whole game.


    I don’t get this post.

    He was mad cause he lost you won and felt good.

    Why post it here?

    You never get tilted?


    Shoulda said “she was on the phone with me the whole time before that though”

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