Xbox Version Could Include Increased Automation Capabilities

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  • #10450

    I believe that the developers of the Xbox version could have included additional automation features in order to make the game less difficult to manage.

    This would not necessarily give Xbox players an advantage, but it could reduce the amount of micromanagement necessary.

    Ideas such as auto-villager and auto-military units creation, auto gather point for villagers, dedicated auto house builder, and auto groupings for military units could be implemented without going against the spirit of the game.

    These changes could be beneficial for casual single players and campaign players.

    It is possible that tournaments for each input device could also be improved by these changes.

    What other changes do you think could have been included in the Xbox version?


    Note: I’m not sure if any of these things are already in the game.

    Here’s a few suggestions I have – most of these aren’t full automations, just small quality of life improvements that could speed up controller play.

    Have an option to automatically queue a villager and make the first three villagers build two houses on game start in non-nomad settings.

    It would be nice to have the feature from AoE4 where when you are trying to place a building on an unbuildable location, the building would show up on the closest buildable location instead.

    Would be helpful for placing down farms and houses quickly.

    When using the feature that automatically assigns a villager to construct the building, make it send the closest villager instead of a random villager.

    Have an option to make auto economy only apply to newly created villagers from TC and/or idle villagers.

    This and the previous suggestion are in the spirit of making automations usable without making them so inflexible that better players have to completely not use them.

    Have an option to make moving the minimap cursor using RB also move the camera simultaneously without having to press Y (not sure if this is already an option).

    Have a global upgrade menu (maybe accessible from the find menu) that you can use to research any upgrade without selecting the required building (especially eco upgrades, so you don’t have to look for lumber of mining camps).

    The above suggestion could apply to units as well.

    Selecting an archer from the global train menu would be equivalent to select all archery ranges + train archer, i.e.

    it would train from the archery range with the shortest queue.

    I think they should just tier things in layer after layer of radial menus (i.e.

    radial menus that open radial submenus).

    People who play enough will know how to find what they want quickly.

    Or have a fully customizable shortcut menu that can be layered.

    It could be as good as a full keyboard of hotkeys when organized properly.


    I want auto trade.

    I make the carts and have to find my teammates market.

    It should just send them once they are created.


    At the same time while I was writing this post, u/Daydream_National also wrote an interesting post about the same topic, read it here

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