Xbox Ranked: One Civilisation Per Player with Ban Phase?

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  • #17381

    I recently played a 3v3 game and faced a team that had two Persian players and they had a constant stream of elephants.

    Regardless of the number of pikemen or onagers I produced, I couldn’t stop them when they attacked in groups.

    We managed to hold them off for some time, but we couldn’t defeat them fast enough with such a large number of elephants.


    This is really nothing you should prevent by the game.

    Picking the same civs multiple times is no advantage.

    You should be able to beat them.

    Either don’t let them mass elephants or go for mass halbs, Monks, Onagers or scorpions yourself.

    The latter deal extra damage to elephants as well.

    Maybe you lacked eco or production buildings?


    Lol if you’re facing double Persian war elephants late game when they’re fully upgraded and have the eco and trade to mass produce… good luck.

    Monks and halbs but they trade well against halbs.


    I faced double spanish on nomad.

    It wasnt fun.


    You guy need to be far more aggressive.

    If the opp is at elite WAR ELEPHANTS and spamming them, you are screwed lol.

    You need to slow them down


    Make monks, friend.

    It’s the simplest counter to WEs.

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