Why Must We Still Wait Penalty Time for Early Quitting After Others Have Dropped?

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  • #14807

    Venting their frustration while waiting for the 5 minute penalty period to end.

    This should be an easy fix, right?


    I agree that a real solution to this needs to come from the devs but you could try finding a game in the lobby browser.

    It has its own issues but you should be able to at least get a game in and people generally know what they are getting into from the lobby settings so quitting is not nearly as much of an issue


    I kinda like it due to the fact that premade teams could alternate alt f4ing if only one would get punished each time.


    I agree on this, I can’t think of a single reason why they wouldn’t want to make it like this except for maybe everyone that could work on it maybe trying to fix something more important.

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