Why Don’t Malians Receive Braces?

  • This topic has 16 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 2 years ago by TechChariot.
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  • #14060

    Would Bracer be too powerful for them?


    Probably not too strong, but right now they are in an interesting spot where you have lots of powerful mid game options, but most of them do not easily scale into Imp.

    Which gives the civ an interesting dynamic most people like.

    Bracer would just give them the whole Arb powerspike and a reliable archer option for late game, which in my opinion makes the civ less interesting.


    That being said, I still think the gold mine change was a nerf the civ did not deserve and their mid game power spike was more impressive with faster gold mining than longer lasting gold mines and the fact their camels have been power-crept so hard by the new Indian civs makes playing them really underwhelming right now.


    because the civ is designed around the pierce armor buffs to their infantry.

    They want you to counter halbs with champions or halb of your own


    I think they would be really strong all around civs that would counter all if they had bracer?

    They would have top tier units across the board


    It’s part of their civ identity and the Devs wanted to make a civ that had Arbalests but no bracer

    Similar to how Turks don’t get pikes or elite skirms

    Spanish don’t get crossbows but full trash

    And Teutons don’t get Husbandry

    Malians not getting Bracer is part of that identity.

    It’s unique.

    Oh you can totally justify going for Malian arbs in imp.

    They’re a great halb deterrent and if you had 30 crossbows from castle age no reason to not upgrade them.

    Just means you’ll have to tech switch.

    Rather that then going into imp with say Celtic crossbows.

    Not ideal but not terrible I’d say.


    I feel like it might be to further distinguish them from the Ethiopians.

    It’s kind of like an Aztecs and Mayans situation, where the Aztecs have good infantry but poor archers, and the Mayans are the opposite.


    This is a troll post right?


    Malians are in a weird spot because they have a great bonus to support late game gold comps, butttt they dont have any strong, gold efficient, power units.

    Farimba cavalier/camels are often outclassed, champs are still not great, and light cav only really have +3 attack over standard light cav (I’d rather have hussar), no halb, no seige engineers, no bracer.

    So youre stuck going double gold comp with subpar units.

    Better get ahead in castle age.


    It’s the identity of the civ to be completely mediocre.

    If you give Malians bracer, they might be borderline good, which goes against the design philosophy.


    Malian clan get in here !


    My guess is to be pushed into infantry/cavalry in the late game, also because they have a gold and wood bonus, imagine them with FU arbs


    Then they would have FH arbs and pretty good cavalier.

    Combined with their extra gold that is pretty wild


    Real strong to have a wood and gold bonus with fully upgraded arbs but mostly I think the devs just wanted to push players to infantry and cavalry.

    Brings a question to mind, who has the best eco and fully upgraded arbs?


    username relevant



    The idea with the Malians civ is that they get every single tech in castle age, and aren’t limited anywhere, even having unique answers to certain problems, but many of their options show significant cracks in Imperial Age.

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