Why are the Slavs Considered the Most Unspectacular Civilization?

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    Boyars are neat, but yeah their siege is generic maybe a bonus beyond discounts?

    I think the real answer though is nerf Sicilians.


    I see so much Slav hate, and as a Slav player in team games (1-1.1k) I can no longer take it.

    I love this civ. 1k teams seem to always have a goth player, Slavs say not today.

    Need to sling teammates to next age?? +10% food says yes.

    Forget about me and let me boom?

    Congrats I can stream FU splash damage champions.

    I will happily build pointy boys for my team while everyone (it seems) in 1k wants to be franks or franks adjacent.

    And the most underrated advantage, I believe, is their team bonus.

    If I play with a random team I always remind them before starting.

    It promotes building army early, (even as a Slavs player I love a chaotic game).

    And I am being serious when I say I never see anyone else playing Slavs.

    I like being unique in a game where team comps can seem repetitive.



    Fully upgradeable nothing.


    well militia line is bad right now

    their farmer is good but lackluster

    they can mass boyar/knight/cavalier with them but boyar is too expensive and while there is knight/cavalier it is lackluster compared to cav civ

    their best part is cheaper siege and get FU except BBC

    they also don’t get chem unit

    dhurzina may be good but in late game infantry is shredded by archer line

    it is boring to push using siege+halb like other said


    Because Teuooooooooooooootons exists


    Slavs are fun.

    Detinets into boyars is great.

    Persians are boring.


    Boyars, AoE infantry and cheap Castles all sound quite fun, maybe just make Boyars more meta somehow (?)


    Yet another reason on the long list as to why we need an infantry rework.

    The devs have tried make them a third pillar of the meta for the last couple years it seems but we aren’t close yet.

    Why even go druzhina?

    If the game isn’t over by then infantry aren’t going to be particularly useful outside of defending siege for Slavs in imp.

    Better to have boyars or cavalier.

    Or just save the resources for more onagers


    Sure they don’t have a dark age bonus and nothing other than farms make them stand out until Imp effectively, but they can be a great late game team civ.

    Boyars are really really strong, and beat up on most late game units well.

    Boyar/Halb/Onager is a great comp

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