Why Are So Many Players at High and Low ELO Teams?

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    Am I just superior as a group or are they not performing well?

    I have consistently been rated at 850 elo when playing alone, but have been able to maintain a 1000 elo rating for a long time.


    My teammate sucks.


    difference of ~150elo is basically nothing.

    works as intended, youre an average player in both solo and team.


    Team elo has always been funny.

    It depends a lot on who you play with.

    There was also a team elo correction were everyone lost 300 elo or some.


    I am speculating, but this seems intuitive to me:

    Whenever a new player joins the system, elo is created.

    As that player loses games, their freshly created elo is split among remaining active competitors. ‘Team’ is a format, more than individual, in which a player who does not intend to play the game regularly is likely to show up and briefly participate.

    This is because their friends ask them to.

    Those players join (creating elo), lose more than they win (not true about all of them, but as an index), and then stop playing.

    Since they have stopped playing, they create a bottom husk of inactive accounts, but the elo that they have lost was still passed on to active participants.


    I am having an issue with team game elo.

    Basically i play with a group of friends who are not playing regularly.

    With these guys we often lose unless i carry.

    Then i play othertimes with a player who is about 100 elo less than me 1v1 but we have good synergy and we win almost 100 percent of our games.particularly if they are on arabia.

    So my elo goes up with my 2v2 partner then when i play with my noob friends it drops.

    Basically means i almost never get to play a competitive game apart from when i carry my old pals in a 3v3 or 4v4 and that isn’t much fun for them really.

    Imo the old tg system worked a bit better.


    because tg elo means nothing, also both modes are played differently.

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