Which Technologies Should I Focus On Upgrading For Each Unit Type?

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    Currently, I only play civilizations that focus on infantry, as they are easier to manage.

    Whenever I attempt to use cavalry, I find myself overwhelmed with the need for additional units such as archers and infantry to accompany them.

    As a result, I end up spending all my resources on upgrades at the blacksmith and production buildings.

    I recently saw a build order for fast castle into knights, which only required bloodlines and the first armor upgrade from the blacksmith.

    Is this really sufficient to have a successful cavalry push?



    Which infantry civ?

    I recommend incas, malians and aztecs


    FC into knights is terrible because you’re vulnerable for 1 year


    Armor and then attack for melee units, get the first armor, then forging then the second armor then iron casting, tbh what the guy in the vid did is fine if my opponent isn’t in castle age themselves.


    For archers get attack upgrades until you can’t get any more then get armor, but only get the first in castle age unless you’re up against enemy ranged units.


    I cannot recommend this video from Survivalist highly enough: https://youtu.be/Bi_537CoiX4

    You will see that, as with many things aoe, the answer to your question is ‘it depends’.

    Since you’re an infantry enthousiast I would say generally you prioritize armor over attack.

    Furthermore, don’t get upgrades to soon!

    A few exceptions aside, you mostly want to get to a good number of units and then get the upgrades just before a fight happens.

    If the enemy is trying to engage, you can run away for a bit until the upgrade comes in. (With infantry this is harder if you’re facing cavalry or archers as they outpace you, unless you’re going for eagles, of course)


    Ranged units priorty is attack upgrades, melle units depends on what you are fighting.

    If its melle vs melle you go for attack upgrades and if its against ranged units you go for defense upgrades.

    You should get defense upgrades soon anyway becuse it helps knights survive tc fire when raiding.

    If you are only going for halbs you go for defense first becuse you do a lot of bonus damage anyway so them surviving a hit longer is a lot better than doing 1 more damage.

    Skirms need both attack and defense upgrades becuse attack upgrades add range to their attack and defence makes them almost unkillable for archers.


    Archers definitely need more upgrades then cavalry.

    But cavalry and infantry need similar amounts of upgrades.

    Infantry need supplies, squires, and arson from the barracks.

    You can think of cavalry the same way.

    They need bloodlines and husbandry from the stable.

    Other than that they use the same attack upgrades from the blacksmith but have their own armor line.

    They don’t need anything else, they don’t need anything from the University or the monastery or anything so should be easy to play cavalry similar to infantry.

    In some ways u need less upgrades bc infantry needs maa and long sword upgrade for castle age but knights don’t need anything.

    And scouts don’t need any upgrades for feudal age to be viable.

    I do recommend getting husbandry and the second cavalry armor as soon as you can in castle age tho.


    Depends not only on the unit type bit situation

    General rule:
    Armor -> attack upgrades for infantry
    Attack/range into armor for ranged units.

    Bloodlines into armor into attack for cavalry.

    In castle age
    For ranged units you want to get balistics asap, but keep in mind that thumb ring is much more important for cav archers than arbs.

    For cavalry rush husbandry

    Against monks and spears attack upgrades are more important than armor (though bloodlines is still great against spears, but armor doesn’t do much)

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