Which Civilization Has the Most Advantageous Bonus?

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  • #6004

    Check out this survey I posted on Reddit to get people’s opinions!


    The Teuton bonus is not particularly helpful in a pitched battle, while the Byzantines increased rate can actually let them win fights.

    I think SotL did a video where he demonstrated that the most efficient way to do this was to keep your army in the field longer (healing in between fights) and forcing your opponent to keep spending while.

    But since their strategies rely on trash units and camels, it’s more of a choice between “highly efficient and expensive” or “cheap and numerous.”


    I want to see Bengalis in a team game with these two as allies.

    Bengali tanks monks that heal faster and elephants that have omega conversion resistance and are a good target for healing


    Neither bonus synergizes well with its civ’s main playstyle.

    Teutons want to siege push with pike out front and siege in the back.

    There’s no reason to heal pike when spammed unless paladins or teutonic kts are mixed in.

    Byzantine wants to trash spam so there’s little reason to heal them unless it’s against an infantry civ like goths or meso then catas are worth healing I suupose.

    Though early castle healing is pretty good for kt rush.


    It’s interesting that most are voting for the Byz speed bonus, because it’s a team bonus and therefore must not be too powerful or you’d see everyone picking teams around it on closed maps like Arena.

    Im not saying the Teuton bonus is better here either.

    I frankly think both are nearly worthless.


    Honestly I completely forget about the Teuton bonus, so I’m saying that one

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