Where Can I Find Information About Played Games?

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  • #9234

    I am looking for a website that provides details similar to the Voobly analysis shown in the image.

    I have tried aoe2.net, aoenexus.com, and aoe2insights.com, but none of these have the same level of detail as the image.

    Additionally, many games simply show “analysis not available”.

    Are there any other websites that provide information for Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition?


    As far as I’m aware you can only get those number by actually simulating/running the game.

    A rec parser like aoe2insights uses is not sufficient.

    A recorded game holds information about queued actions.

    Only the game client can decide whether it was a valid action (e.g.

    did you really have 50f when you used your villager hotkey).

    This is why

    I assume this i from voobly days where the voobly client was always running and could read that data from the game.


    Regarding the analysis not being available, I assume the last update broke the parser again 🙂

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