Where Are My Clowns?

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    It is difficult to find a ranked Arena game at the ELO of 1200-1300 recently.

    Is everyone playing Battlefront?

    Additionally, I should probably get familiar with the etiquette of open maps.

    It seems that blocking the opponent’s villager while they are attempting to lure a boar is considered bad manners and could result in an instant game over.


    As a 1200 clown adjacent player I have noticed playing fewer arena games than I normally do


    Technically nothing wrong with blocking a vill.

    Some people just don’t play against lamers.

    They don’t care about the points enough and feel laying is more luck then skill.

    That’s why they quit.

    It’s a bag toss on who you play


    Gotta micro attack the vill.

    Not auto attack.

    But hit and go micro


    Guys it’s still a war game …

    As long as u don’t nuke them or drop any other Biohazard stuff everything is allowed

    *Edit spelling


    > BF

    > Open map



    Screw bad manners.

    This is war.


    im playing some different compeditive games at the moment bro, but give me 1/2 – 1 year, sooner or later im gonna play aoe again
    im probably not quite 1300 anymore after the break but that was my peak and arena was always my favourite
    i know, i know noone cares but you asked so…


    I think the new influx of Xbox players is saturating the player base with some immature children that lack sportsmanship.

    I sent 2 scouts and then 6 knights during castle age to raid.

    My opponent called me a ***** for rushing.

    He didn’t have time to get his stone walls up….

    I recommend he build palisades earlier and pikemen on defensive stance…


    I’m at 1400 elo and ban all the closed maps that I can.

    For me I just don’t like the gameplay that closed maps lead to.

    The snooze fest that is the first 20 minutes of these games is just so boring.

    Then (at least at my elo) whoever wins the first big fight almost always has enough momentum to just win the game from there.

    Microing bombard cannons and monks is not fun for me.

    If I get a closed map I always end up trying to tower rush in feudal and pretend like it’s not a closed map.


    I unban Arena thinking it would be fun.

    Get into a match, we both try everything but in the end it’s a stalemate.

    I resign after 2 hrs and ban Arena again.

    Cycle continues.

    My next Arena unban will be in 6 months or so.


    I’m around 1100 and many times I’m not in the mood to deal with an early vil loss.

    It’s like “you got me, you win, congratulations” and I just go next.

    I feel like that’s what you expect with laming of some sort.

    To have an early advantage and then win easy.

    I wouldn’t complain much myself about it, but you got the advantage and you won right away.

    gg, I’ll go play the next game to see if I can win there.


    Here’s the thing, ELO is being artificially inflated by a lot of players who just quit within the first few minutes because that make like one mistake.

    As a result, I have often shot up to 1300 elo when really I need to be down around 950 cause I’m really not very good, and then I get a losing streak of corrections, bringing me all the way down to around 890 before the cycle continues.

    And that sucks cause I’m trying to get better but losing 10 in a row is demotivating and so is too for a while and when I come back it’s always just relearning what I already did.

    If lower elo players didn’t quit so often, they might learn how to correct mistakes or how to deaggro boars.


    Ranked Arena TGs are the best


    I am surprise anyone at the 1000+ ELO would be upset by laming, interfering with boar lure etc

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